Why Diets For Weight Loss Fail Pt 2
Last time I discussed getting the support of friends and family to help achieve success. That’s great when you can get it, but inevitably you’ll also have some people you encounter who seem not to get it and will become constant sources of temptation. This could be the friend with the racehorse metabolism that wants to order pizza while you watch football together despite knowing about your diet plan. Maybe it’s the co-worker who always brings cookies to the office, insisting that “one won’t hurt you”. Maybe it’s even that family member who insists that “it’s weird when we don’t all eat the same thing at meals”. These are the moments that will make or break you and unfortunately, for the most part, your strength will have to come from within. When you're feeling tempted to cheat remember why you started. Be courteous when explaining why what you’re doing is important to you and that you would appreciate their support, most of the time they aren’t trying to derail you, in fact they think they’re being polite by including you. I went through this very situation at work where it seemed every day there were sweets and when we went out to eat for work meetings insisting that I should eat along with everyone else (I always brought my own meals and ate before getting to the restaurant). If someone can’t respect your decision even after you explain it to them, you may have to exclude yourself from those situations if possible. If I’m assisting you, you can always call me and we’ll talk through what’s going on and come up with the best solution for the situation.